Online TEFL Courses

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Scholarships & Course Packages


A limited number of scholarships are available towards payment of tuition fees for Post Graduate course programmes. Please contact us for further information.

Course Packages

It's possible to combine one course with another. There is a 15% discount for certain combined courses which is at the discretion of LTTC.
Please email us at for your discount code and further information.

  • Discounts must be applied for at the time of enrolment and payment. They cannot be backdated under any circumstances.
  • Discounts only apply to individual courses where fees are £100 or more i.e each course must have fees of more than £100.

Students receive two separate qualifications upon successful completion.

  • Diploma in TESOL and TEYLT
    Seperate cost: £550
    With 15% discount: £467.50
  • Diploma in TESOL and TBE
    Seperate cost: £560
    With 15% discount: £ 476
  • Certificate in TEFL (60 hours ) and TEYLT
    Seperate cost: £400
    With 15% discount: £340
  • Certificate in TEFL (60 hours ) and TBE
    Seperate cost: £410
    With 15% discount: £348.50
  • Certificate in TEFL(120 hours) and TEYLT
    Seperate cost: £510
    With 15% discount: £433.50
  • Certificate in TEFL(120 hours) and TBE
    Seperate cost: £520
    With 15% discount: £422

If there is a course combination that you are interested in doing that is not listed above, please contact us to ask for available discounts.

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