This DVD shows eight professional Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) teaching a variety of skills to their students. You observe the successful methods the experts use to introduce and practise new language and how they make their lessons entertaining as well as instructive. By watching the lessons and following the explanations in the accompanying booklet you will soon be able to introduce the proven techniques into your own teaching practice.
The filming of authentic students taught by a group of dynamic teachers gives the video an animated, spontaneous ‘feel’ which makes you keen to try the ideas out yourself.
The students taking part are young adults of mixed nationalities and they are of intermediate level. However the methods shown are useful at all levels and you can easily adapt them for most age groups, both in the classroom and for individual tuition.
Your Teach-English course in more detail :
The tutors demonstrate to you a variety of ways of presenting new words. They check meaning, correct pronunciation and intonation at each stage. You learn how to use mime and visual aids, how to teach abstract terms, how to build dialogues and introduce communication activities.
Story Telling
Using stories is very effective in teaching the language. This unit shows how you can teach without speaking. The students do all the talking – after all, they're the ones who need the practice. You learn the way to use mime and gestures to encourage vocal responses from your pupils, how to use pictures, sound effects and cue-cards to inspire story-telling.
Presenting and Practising a Structure (Grammar)
A superbly taught lesson showing you the clear, stage-by-stage way to introduce and practise a new structure, in this case the tense known as the Present Perfect, "He has been to France".
The teacher keeps tight control over the language, places it in context and gradually leads the class through a series of exercises and practices towards a ‘freer’ stage where they begin to use the structure with confidence.
Communication Activities
Here you see how different games can be used to stimulate language acquisition. Students are encouraged to take risks and try out the language they already know.
It doesn't matter if they make mistakes; it's the communication that counts. These creative communication activities are motivating and confidence-building.
Error Correction
You watch short extracts from different lessons where spoken errors are corrected on the spot. You learn when to correct and how to do it, how to indicate to the student that he has made a mistake, how to locate the error, show what kind of error it is, correct the error and practise the correction and all in a friendly, constructive way. To purchase click here.