Study whenever and wherever you want — whether you are on the go, at home or at work, LTTC’s learning platform brings your course and personal tutor directly to you — wherever you are in the world.
Whichever programme you choose to study, you can access the entire syllabus online — and you can access it around the clock.
So now, as well as being able to follow your course on your desk top or laptop, you can now access your complete course on the bus , train , on the beach, in fact anywhere at any time using your Smart Phone or Tablet.
For the first time in Jeddah, London Teacher Training College (LTTC) and Master English organized a two-day TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) workshop for English teachers in Sofitel Al-Hamra hotel in Al-Fursan meeting hall.
Sponsored by Curves (the leading US women’s health fitness centre), the event was attended by 40 English teachers from various international schools and universities, who successfully completed the 15-hour program.
Are we making the most of the right to live and work wherever we please within the EU?
Kate Hilpern reports.
If the trend for TV programmes about relocating abroad is anything to go by, there must be a flood of Brits upping sticks for the Continent. The reality is, however, that just two per cent of Europeans work in an EU country other than their country of origin.
Distance learning, as the name implies, is education which can be obtained at a distance from a physical location of the campus of the school, training centre, college or university. This can be through various types of remote delivery methods such as postal correspondence, phone or modern technology through the internet or “E learning or Online learning”. Anyone who is interested in getting a worthwhile qualification, but simply doesn’t have the time for a regular commitment to scheduled classes, will benefit from distance learning – the flexible way to improve your career prospects.
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