Course Overview
You will build upon the knowledge and expertise gained at diploma level.
You will gain knowledge of the English language and its origins along with in depth understanding of various Teaching methodologies. Discover how to analyse needs and design syllabi along with the administration and creation of EFL examinations and placement tests. Research and Development is the final component of the course programme to increase your expertise.
The Graduate Diploma in TESOL is a stepping stone for careers in teaching English and in many other fields which require a knowledge of teaching and learning, linguistics and the structure and origins of the English language. The programme consists of six modules and assessment is by essay type assignments, tasks, two mini-theses and a research project.
Course Content
Objectives: By the end of this module you should:
- be aware of the nature of language
- have a knowledge of the different varieties of language
- understand what constitutes error in language
- understand how language is acquired
- know which methodologies can be used to teach English
- know the principles on which modern language teaching is based
Introduction: Learners' aims; different teaching situations.
Section A
1.1 What is language?
Sounds, symbols, a complex system, speech and writing
1.2 What is language for?
Communication, control, socialization, thought, feelings
1.3 Language varieties
Historical, geographical and social dialect;
Register: age, sex, status, role; topic, medium, style
1.4 Appropriateness and error
Communicative competence, mistakes, errors, teaching model.
Section B
1.5 First language acquisition
Stages of language development, mother/parent role
1.6 Second language acquisition
Classical conditioning, creative learning, motivation
1.7 Language teaching methodologies
Grammar-translation, direct methods, structural approach, audio-lingual approach, cognitive code, immersion method, lexical approach
1.8 Language teaching principles
Selection, grading, contextualization, repetition, practice
Tasks and self correcting exercises
Essays to be submitted
Further reading
Objectives By the end of this module you should:
be aware of the aids available to the language teacher
know many of the techniques for using them
know what is involved in developing language skills
know how the aids and techniques can be used to do this
A note on student levels
Section A
2.1 Aural/oral skills: General principles, receptive v. productive skills.
2.2 Teaching pronunciation: General points, discriminating sounds, producing sounds, stress and intonation.
2.3 Language drills: Contextualized drills, substitution tables.
2.4 Question and answer: Ten types and five levels
2.5 Dialogues, drama and role play
2.6 Extensive and intensive listening: Stories, comprehension passages, dictation
2.7 Flashcards and wordcards
2.8 Exploiting the blackboard
2.9 Realia
2.10 Pictures and charts: Magazine picture library, wall charts.
2.11 Songs and rhymes
2.12 Games and puzzles
2.13 Electronic aids
Section B
2.14 Reading and writing skills: Different learners, reading skills, writing skills
2.15 Teaching the script: Phonic method, look-and-say method, pre-reading activities, reading activities, letter formation
2.16 Teaching spelling: Spelling and reading, sound to symbol, symbol to sound
2.17 Composition from guided to free: Labelling, answers to questions, substitution tables, guided composition, free composition
2.18 Intensive reading: Progression of reading skills, reading activities.
2.19 Extensive reading: Readability, graded readers, reading records.
2.20 Exploiting texts: Using authentic texts, simplifying texts.
2.21 Integrated skills: The four skills, translation.
Tasks and self correcting exercises
Essays and work to be submitted
Further reading
By the end of the unit you should
- be aware of the factors affecting teaching aims
- know what is involved in syllabus design
- have a procedure for evaluating textbooks
- understand the role of the teacher and have a basis for self-evaluation
- be aware of the different modes of classroom interaction
- be able to plan effective lessons
- have a fund of ideas for planning lessons
Section A
3.1 Teaching Aims
Course aims, sample syllabuses, textbook evaluation
3.2 Class organisation
Role of the teacher, modes of interaction, class layout
Section B
3.3 Lesson Planning
Preparation, presentation, practice, testing, revision
3.4 Sample lesson plans
Tasks and self correcting exercises
Essays and work to be submitted
Further reading
By the end of the module you should
- have a knowledge of the main concerns of linguistic theory
- know many linguistic terms and categories
- be able to approach linguistic texts with confidence
- have started to relate linguistic theory to the practice of teaching
- be thinking more clearly about the content of what you teach
Section A
4.1 Phonetics and Phonology
The distinction between them, how sounds are made, phonemes, consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm, intonation
4.2 Morphology
Nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs
4.3 Vocabulary
Words, morphemes, collocation, meaning, subordination
4.4 Grammar
Parts of speech, clause, phrase, auxiliary and modal verbs, verb classes, tense systems and uses, complex verb phrases, noun classes, determiners,
adjectives, pronouns and proforms, prepositions, conjunctions, conditionals
Section B
4.5 Applications of Linguistics to Language Teaching
Error analysis, phonology, vocabulary selection, sentence complexity
Essays and work to be submitted
Further reading
Section A – Professional skills
Unit 1 Syllabus Design
1.1 Syllabus vs curriculum
1.2 Syllabus types
1.3 Functional/notional syllabuses
1.4 Syllabus design
Assignment 1 - essay-evaluation of a syllabus
Unit 2 Needs analysis
2.1 Introduction to needs analysis
2.2 Practical problems in needs analysis
Assignment 2 – needs analysis
Unit 3 Course programmes
3.1 Why have a course programme?
3.2 Designing the course
3.3 Approaches to course design
3.4 Course programming and lesson planning- what’s the difference?
3.5 Specific business English course plan
Section B – Methodology
Unit 1 classroom management
1.1 The Role of the Teacher
1.2 How interactive am I as a teacher?
1.3 Advising on learner independence
Unit 2 Approaches
2.1 Differences between Class teaching & One to One teaching
2.2 Problems of one to one teaching
2.3 Dealing with difficult students
Assignment 3 - mini profiles
Unit 3 Teaching 1-1
3.1 Reflecting on 1-1 teaching
3.2 Teaching modes
Assignment 4 - teaching modes
Unit 4 evaluation of materials
Unit 5 Teaching Business English and the Internet
Assignment 5 - mini project-choice from 5 topics
Unit 6 Using dictation
6.1 Ways of using dictation
Unit 7 Teaching grammar
7.1 Points to remember
Section C - Business concepts and practices
Unit 1 The Business client
1.1 Problems of the business client
1.2 Skills a business client may need
Assignment 6 – Business English materials critique
Unit 2 Cultural Differences
2.1 symptoms of culture shock
2.2 linguistic/cultural misunderstanding
2.3 non-verbal communication
2.4 cross-cultural quiz
2.5 Answers to Cross Cultural Quiz
Unit 3 Teaching meetings
3.1 points to remember
3.2 a way of teaching meetings
3.3 a meeting needs audit
3.4 Business Meetings Maze
Unit 4 teaching negotiating skills
4.1 points to remember
4.2 a way of teaching negotiating
4.3 Assignment 7 -lesson planning
Unit 5 Teaching presentations
5.1 points to remember
5.2 a way of teaching presentations
5.3 presentation sheet
Unit 6 Teaching telephoning skills
6.1 Problems of telephoning
6.2 A Way of Teaching Telephoning Skills
6.3 Telephone mini simulations
6.4 Useful phrases
Assignment 8 – reformulated telephone conversation.
Unit 1. Introduction to the English language and its origins
Unit 2. Teaching methodologies
Unit 3. EFL examinations and placement tests
Unit 4. Research and Development
Unit 5: Research Dissertation
On completion of your course, you will receive a Level 7 Graduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages endorsed by TQUK. This is endorsed at a level of learning equivalent to level 7 on the National Qualifications Framework (NFQ) and Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (in which case GCSE's are at levels 1 and 2 and A Levels are at level 3).
Payment Options
You can either pay for your course in full or pay for each module individually.
Standard Course Fee: £820 (by download)
Enrolling is Easy
- Enrol Online: We accept all major credit and debit cards, BACS (Bank Transfers) and cheques. If you wish to pay by Western Union or Moneygram please contact us.
Enrol Online
- By Telephone: Call +44 20 8133 2027 between 9.00am - 9.00pm, Monday to Sunday.
- By Post: Complete our enrolment form and return it to:
Enrolment Services, London Teacher Training College, 60 Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2RR.