Online TEFL Courses

0208 133 2027
Outside UK +44 208 133 2027

Certificate in TEFL

The LTTC Certificate in TEFL is available for fast entry into a career in teaching English as a foreign language with 60 hours approximate study time. Designed for those in a hurry, this initial course and certificate will put you on the road to getting that first job.

Course Overview

The certificate can be completed as little as 10 days but covers the same syllabus as the full  Certificate in TEFL - 120 hours but in less depth. You can begin whenever you want to and finish at your own convenience.

Please note:  This fast-track course does not carry TQUK endorsement.  Please see the  Certificate in TEFL - 120 hours if you would like to receive this .

You are assigned a personal tutor as soon as you enrol, who will give you help and guidance through the course as well as mark your assignments and give you personal feedback.

Payment Options

Payment Options

Standard Course Fee: £175 (by download)

Enrolling is Easy

  • Enrol Online: We accept all major credit and debit cards, BACS (Bank Transfers) and cheques. If you wish to pay by Western Union or Moneygram please contact us.

    Enrol Online
  • By Telephone: Call +44 20 8133 2027 between 9.00am - 9.00pm, Monday to Sunday.
  • By Post: Complete our enrolment form and return it to:
    Enrolment Services, London Teacher Training College, 60 Windsor Avenue, London, SW19 2RR.
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Course Details

Course Code
Entry Requirements
Course Length
60 Hours
Delivery Method
£ 175 by download 

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TQUK Gold Member

Centre No. 170926

TEFL Courses London
Membership No. 010136b