Online TEFL Courses

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Thursday, 02 January 2014 15:08

Privacy Statement

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London Teacher Training College(LTTC) is committed to a policy of protecting the rights and privacy of individuals, including learners, staff and others, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018. The new regulatory environment demands higher transparency and accountability in how colleges manage and use personal data. It also accords new and stronger rights for individuals to understand and control that use. The GDPR contains provisions that the college will need to be aware of as data controllers, including provisions intended to enhance the protection of student’s personal data. For example, the GDPR requires that: We must ensure that our college privacy notices are written in a clear, plain way that staff and students will understand. LTTC needs to process certain information about its staff, students and other individuals with whom it has a relationship for various purposes such as, but not limited to:

  1. The recruitment and payment of staff.
  2. The administration of programmes of study and courses.
  3. Student enrolment.
  4. Examinations and external accreditation.
  5. Recording student progress, attendance and conduct.
  6. Collecting fees.

To comply with various legal obligations, including the obligations imposed on it by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) LTTC must ensure that all this information about individuals is collected and used fairly, stored safely and securely, and not disclosed to any third party unlawfully.


This policy applies to all staff and students of LTTC. Any breach of this policy or of the Regulation itself will be considered an offence and the College’s disciplinary procedures will be invoked. As a matter of best practice, other agencies and individuals working with LTTC and who have access to personal information, will be expected to read and comply with this policy. It is expected that departments who are responsible for dealing with external bodies will take the responsibility for ensuring that such bodies sign a contract which among other things will include an agreement to abide by this policy. This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice in data management, security and control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments to the GDPR and other relevant legislation. The Code of Practice on GDPR for LTTC gives further detailed guidance and LTTC undertakes to adopt and comply with this Code of Practice

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This piece of legislation comes in to force on the 25 th May 2018. The GDPR regulates the processing of personal data, and protects the rights and privacy of all living individuals (including children), for example by giving all individuals who are the subject of personal data a general right of access to the personal data which relates to them. Individuals can exercise the right to gain access to their information by means of a ‘subject access request’. Personal data is information relating to an individual and may be in hard or soft copy (paper/manual files; electronic records; photographs), and may include facts or opinions about a person. For more detailed information on these Regulations see the Data Protection Data Sharing Code of Practice (DPCoP) from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Please follow this link to the ICO’s website (

Responsibilities under the GDPR

LTTC will be the ‘data controller’ under the terms of the legislation – this means it is ultimately responsible for controlling the use and processing of the personal data. The college appoints a Data Protection Officer (DPO), currently the Principal who is available to address any concerns regarding the data held by college and how it is processed, held and used. LTTC also has a nominated information technical officer who oversees this policy. The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for all day-to-day data protection matters, and will be responsible for ensuring that all members of staff and relevant individuals abide by this policy, and for developing and encouraging good information handling within the college. The Senior Leadership Team is also responsible for ensuring that the college’s notification is kept accurate. Individuals who provide personal data to the College are responsible for ensuring that the information is accurate and up-to-date.

Data Protection Principles

The legislation places a responsibility on every data controller to process any personal data in accordance with the eight principles. Please follow this link to the ICO’s website (

In order to comply with its obligations, LTTC undertakes to adhere to the eight principles:

1) Process personal data fairly and lawfully. LTTC will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that individuals who are the focus of the personal data (data subjects) are informed of the identity of the data controller, the purposes of the processing, any disclosures to third parties that are envisaged; given an indication of the period for which the data will be kept, and any other information which may be relevant. For example,

2) Process the data for the specific and lawful purpose for which it collected that data and not further process the data in a manner incompatible with this purpose. LTTC will ensure that the reason for which it collected the data originally is the only reason for which it processes those data, unless the individual is informed of any additional processing before it takes place.

3) Ensure that the data is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose for which it is processed. LTTC will not seek to collect any personal data which is not strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was obtained. Forms for collecting data will always be drafted with this mind. If any irrelevant data are given by individuals, they will be destroyed immediately.

4) Keep personal data accurate and, where necessary, up to date. LTTC will review and update all data on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the individuals giving their personal data to ensure that this is accurate, and each individual should notify the College if, for example, a change in circumstances mean that the data needs to be updated. It is the responsibility of the College to ensure that any notification regarding the change is noted and acted on.

5) Only keep personal data for as long as is necessary. LTTC undertakes not to retain personal data for longer than is necessary to ensure compliance with the legislation, and any other statutory requirements. This means LTTC will undertake a regular review of the information held and implement a weeding process. LTTC will dispose of any personal data in a way that protects the rights and privacy of the individual concerned (e.g. secure electronic deletion, shredding and disposal of hard copy files as confidential waste). A log will be kept of the records destroyed.

6) Process personal data in accordance with the rights of the data subject under the legislation. Individuals have various rights under the legislation including a right to:

  • be told the nature of the information the College holds and any parties to whom this may be disclosed.
  • prevent processing likely to cause damage or distress.
  • prevent processing for purposes of direct marketing.
  • be informed about the mechanics of any automated decision taking process that will significantly affect them.
  • not have significant decisions that will affect them taken solely by automated process.
  • sue for compensation if they suffer damage by any contravention of the legislation.
  • take action to rectify, block, erase or destroy inaccurate data.
  • request that the Office of the Information Commissioner assess whether any provision of the Act has been contravened.

LTTC will only process personal data in accordance with individuals’ rights.

7) Put appropriate technical and organisational measures in place against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data, and against accidental loss or destruction of data. All members of staff are responsible for ensuring that any personal data which they hold is kept securely and not disclosed to any unauthorised third parties. LTTC will ensure that all personal data is accessible only to those who have a valid reason for using it. LTTC will have in place appropriate security measures e.g. ensuring that hard copy personal data is kept in lockable filing cabinets/cupboards with controlled access (with the keys then held securely in a key cabinet with controlled access):

  • keeping all personal data in a lockable cabinet with key-controlled access.
  • password protecting personal data held electronically.
  • archiving personal data which are then kept securely (lockable cabinet).
  • placing any PCs or terminals, CCTV camera screens etc. that show personal data so that they are not visible except to authorised staff.
  • ensuring that PC screens are not left unattended without a password protected screen-saver being used.

In addition, LTTC will put in place appropriate measures for the deletion of personal data - manual records will be shredded or disposed of as ‘confidential waste’ and appropriate contract terms will be put in place with any third parties undertaking this work. Hard drives of redundant PCs will be wiped clean before disposal or if that is not possible, destroyed physically. A log will be kept of the records destroyed. This policy also applies to staff and students who process personal data ‘off-site’, e.g. when working at home, and in circumstances additional care must be taken regarding the security of the data. 8) Ensure that no personal data is transferred to a country or a territory outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless that country or territory ensures adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data. LTTC will not transfer data to such territories without the explicit consent of the individual. This also applies to publishing information on the Internet - because transfer of data can include placing data on a website that can be accessed from outside the EEA - so LTTC will always seek the consent of individuals before placing any personal data (including photographs) on its website. If the College collects personal data in any form via its website, it will provide a clear and detailed privacy statement prominently on the website, and wherever else personal data is collected.

Consent as a basis for processing

Although it is not always necessary to gain consent from individuals before processing their data, it is often the best way to ensure that data is collected and processed in an open and transparent manner. Consent is especially important when LTTC is processing any sensitive data, as defined by the legislation. LTTC understands consent to mean that the individual has been fully informed of the intended processing and has signified their agreement (e.g. via the enrolment form) whilst being of a sound mind and without having any undue influence exerted upon them. Consent obtained on the basis of misleading information will not be a valid basis for processing. Consent cannot be inferred from the non-response to a communication.

Personal Details

  • For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 you consent to the College holding and processing personal data including sensitive personal data of which you are the subject, details of which are specified in the College's data protection policy.
  • This will include marketing images. LTTC will ensure that any forms used to gather data on an individual will contain a statement (fair collection statement) explaining the use of that data, how the data may be disclosed and also indicate whether or not the individual needs to consent to the processing.

It is the policy of LTTC to ensure that senders and recipients of email are made aware that under the DPA, and Freedom of Information Legislation, the contents of email may have to be disclosed in response to a request for information. One means by which this will be communicated will be by a disclaimer on the College’s email.

Procedure for review

This policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice or future amendments made to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) May 2018 and Data Protection Act 1998. Please follow this link to the ICO’s website ( which provides further detailed guidance on a range of topics including individuals’ rights, exemptions from the Act, dealing with subject access requests, how to handle requests from third parties for personal data to be disclosed etc. In particular, you may find it helpful to read the Guide to Data Protection which is available from the website. For help or advice on any data protection or freedom of information issues, please do not hesitate to contact:The Data Protection Officer (DPO): Phyllis Vannuffel, Principal.


Thursday, 02 January 2014 15:07

Returns Policy

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The Distance Selling Regulations would ordinarily say that you have 7 days from the date of confirmation from us of your order to change your mind and cancel the order. In that case we would provide a full refund less the direct cost to us of the return of any items already delivered to you which (unless this is seen as a breach of the Distance Selling Regulations) would include the direct cost to us of their carriage to you and their return. However, as you consent to the service being provided immediately and as they are provided by software which you open, these regulations do not apply.

We want you to be delighted with any service we provide to you. Whilst our legal position is spelt out in plain English above and in our Terms & Conditions, we will consider a refund in any case where we consider that there is proper cause for complaint. We will do all we can to assist you in this case.

The London Teacher Training College
Dalton House
60 Windsor Avenue
SW19 2RR
Tel: 0208 133 2027
ax: 0208 242 6527

Thursday, 02 January 2014 15:06

Terms & Conditions

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General Entry Requirements

Age :  There is no upper age limit to studying at LTTC. You should be at least 18 years old upon enrolment. If you are below this age, we may still consider you for admission but please contact us for more details. By enrolling onto a course with the London Teacher Training College you accept these terms and conditions.

Offer & Acceptance

Nothing on this site constitutes an offer in a legal sense. When you contact us you offer to pay for our service and we are free to accept or reject that offer. All our services are dependent on payment being received from you as agreed before we accept your offer or in default of agreement forthwith upon that acceptance. You are responsible for ensuring that your chosen course or product is suitable for meeting your needs. Further, practical details are found in other parts of this site and you agree to be bound by those.

If you register under any offer of discount or promotional code, please ensure that the discount is applied at the time of registration as it cannot be refunded after this point


We will do all we reasonably can to provide the items you request but you agree that we are under no strict legal obligation to do so at any specific time or place, provided we have used all reasonable endeavors. Time is not the essence of this contract. The creation of a web site or other products offered by us is included in these terms. Should a postal delivery not arrive by post within 28 days of being ordered, we will launch an investigation with the appropriate postal service.


Where hard copy or CD is requested, this will normally be sent out by first class post. At our discretion, we may send items by Recorded Delivery or International Signed For post. Items can then be tracked by using the trace number.

Where a courier service is requested, this will be at cost price to the purchaser. rates will vary from country to country. We will endeavor to ensure that your course materials reach you safely. However, we are not responsible for third party mail services and therefore cannot guarantee delivery.
Electronic copy is sent at our own expense to all students. Upon successful completion of the course, a certificate is sent out once only at our expense. We are not responsible for third party mail services and therefore cannot guarantee delivery. Should your certificate not be delivered to you by a third party mail service, we will send a replacement at your own expense.

We reserve the right to cancel any course or classroom based programme due to insufficient enrolments or for other reasons we deem valid . In this instance a full refund of any fees or deposit payment will be made within seven days of our giving notice of cancellation.
We accept no liability whatsoever for any additional costs you may have incurred prior to notice of cancellation.


You agree to indemnify us against any loss or damage caused to us or our site or it's reputation as a result of any failure by you or on your behalf to comply with these terms & conditions.

Ownership of data supplied

We own the data in our database/s and on our website, except that supplied by you. You cannot copy it, publish it or reproduce it to any third party without our express agreement in writing.


This agreement cannot be amended save by our amending these terms on this page. Such amended items take effect 14 days after they are first posted. You agree it is your responsibility to check here for any changes.


All figures mentioned on this site or by our representatives are £ sterling or US Dollar unless we agree in writing. We will accept payment in Euros.

Our Disclaimer

See our basic Disclaimer page for our plain English position. Whilst we will use all reasonable efforts to provide the service we offer, our liability in so far as we can exclude it in law, is so excluded except up to the amount of monies paid to us by you for the service in question. We give no representation that the information on this site is full and complete. When we review something or give a result we give an honest opinion as to it and you agree that such comments are fair comment. We disclaim any liability for losses that follow any such review or result given. Time is not the essence of this contract. No warranties whether express or implied are given in relation to this site or the services it offers.

We do not accept any responsibility for any virus contracted as a result of visiting this site or any of the other sites referred to. In any event we disclaim any liability for consequential loss. We disclaim any liability for loss of profit.


The site and all material on it is our copyright and may not be copied, distributed, licensed, or reproduced in any way whatsoever, save that you are permitted to print or download extracts from it for personal use only.


We can terminate this agreement by giving 28 days notice (or forthwith if we have reason to believe you have breached the terms of this agreement). You can terminate any agreement made with us providing you have complied with all terms of this agreement and have made payment for all services ordered by giving 14 days notice. See also our Returns Policy. PLEASE NOTE that you consent to the provision of the service starting immediately and therefore you will have no right to return the items under the distance selling regulations.

Course Transfers

You agree that we are under no obligation to transfer you to another or different course after the start by you (which is deemed to be on receipt of your application form) of any course. If, in our complete discretion, we agree a transfer we shall be under no obligation to make any refund or allow any form of credit towards the new course.

Course Duration

We set no time limits for completion of our courses.


Technical/IT issues and Support

Whilst we will try to assist when we can, you agree that it is your sole responsibility to ensure your IT system is capable of receiving the materials by e-mail, cd, dvd , pdf or on memory stick. We accept responsibility for sending e-mails to the address you give us but no responsibility for their receipt.

We do at our discretion provide technical support, but this is not a part of this contract and we accept no responsibility for your IT/PC/software/viruses and any other problems of a technical nature with your equipment.

Returns Policy

The Distance Selling Regulations would ordinarily say that you have 7 days from the date of confirmation from us of your order to change your mind and cancel the order. In that case we would provide a full refund less the direct cost to us of the return of any items already delivered to you which (unless this is seen as a breach of the Distance Selling Regulations) would include the direct cost to us of their carriage to you and their return. However, as you consent to the service being provided immediately and as they are provided by software which you open, these regulations do not apply.

We want you to be delighted with any service we provide to you. Whilst our legal position is spelt out in plain English above and in our terms, we will consider a refund in any case where we consider that there is proper cause for complaint. We will do all we can to assist you in this case.


Programmes with course fees of £100 or lower carry an electronic award only. Requests for replacement certificates and transcripts should be made by writing or email to the London Teacher Training College. The fee for processing replacement certificates and/or transcripts will be determined by LTTC.

Programmes with course fees of £100 or lower carry an electronic award only.

We can issue hard copy of certificates for programmes with course fees of £100 at a standard fee of £18 to cover siged for postage.

The London Teacher Training College
Dalton House
60 Windsor Avenue
SW19 2RR
Tel: 0208 133 2027
Fax: 0208 242 6527

The London Teacher Training College offers a huge range of courses specialising in different aspects of teaching English.

So, where to begin?

Where to begin? Why not try out our Free TEFL Foundation Course to 'dip your toe' into TEFL study.

The vast majority of teachers start their career by gaining the Level 5 OFQUAL Approved Certificate in TEFL which is recognised by the UK Government. This equips you with all that you need to get going and it is accredited by TQUK at level 5, this will enable you to teach virtually anywhere in the world.

LTTC also offers the LTTC Certificate in TEFL 120 hour course programme which comes at a level 5.

Already have classroom experience?

The next step up is to further your career prospects by taking the Diploma in TESOL  at Level 7 or the Level 6 OFQUAL Diploma in TESOL. This is for those more experienced in the classroom and who wish to become director of studies, managers and senior tutors.

Classroom or online TEFL course?

We offer TEFL courses online and in the classroom via our list of partner schools worldwide. Which you choose will depend on your own studying preference. To view our list of partner schools, please click here.

Why Choose LTTC?

  • Full course materials
  • Personal tutor
  • Support 7 days a week
  • Unlimited time for completion of course
  • Careers advice
  • Resources area

Level 5 Certificate in TEFL 

Lady Reading TEFL

Our 168 hour OFQUAL regulated Certificate in TEFL covers an extended syllabus. Many employers regard the standard for the profession as being a course which comprises a hundred or more hours of study time.


Course Code     TEFL168

Course Level

Level 5
OFQUAL regulated
Entry Requirements
Course Length
168 Hours
Delivery Method
Download or Post
£ 189 download 
Read More

Level 6 Diploma in TESOL

Lady studying for a diploma in tesol

The Diploma in Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages is specifically targeted at those who are interested in teaching English as a second or foreign language.

Course Code
Course Level
Level 6
OFQUAL regulated
Entry Requirements
Degree or GCE/GCSEs (See text)
Course Length
360 Hours
Delivery Method
£1200 complete

Read More

Level 7 Graduate Diploma in TESOL

Student studying english on her ipad at London Bridge

The Graduate Diploma in TESOL is designed for those who wish to take on a more senior level in their teaching career, perhaps senior tutor or ELT management, or for those who wish to enhance their professional development.

Course Code
Level 7
Entry Requirements
Cert TEFL / 2yrs classroom experience
Course Length
370 Hours
Delivery Method
£820 Single Payment

Or £880 in 4 payments
Read More

If you are interested in attending one of our partner schools, please contact them directly.

Click on a region below for more information on partner schools in your area:

Become an LTTC Partner School

Are you interested in becoming one of our successful Partner Schools worldwide? You can meet the ever increasing demand for English language teachers by offering LTTC courses in the classroom. Please contact us for more information.

Meeting Romulo from Far Eastern University

"It was lovely to finally meet Romulo, our partner from Far Eastern University in the Philippines." Dr. Vannuffel

2014 LTTC Conference

We held a very successful conference at the Grosvenor Hotel in London attended by TQUK and several key partner schools.


Over the years we have helped many organisations and bodies in training their staff. These include the following :

  • Brentfield Primary School Neasdon London
  • Budmouth College Weymouth
  • Casterton School
  • Clapham manor Primary School
  • Devon and Cornwall Probation Service
  • Dunun Academy Doncaster
  • The Education Department of the Bangkok Archdiocese Thailand
  • First Steps Children Centre
  • Flying Cows Recruitment Services
  • Hamilton Community College Leicester
  • Hue Help Volunteers Vietnam
  • Lincolnshire County Council
  • Manchester College Her Majesty's Prison Service Lindholme
  • Prisoners Education Trust
  • Our Lady's Convent High School Hackney London
  • St George’s School Montreux Switzerland
  • St Mary's School, Cambridge
  • TM Volunteers Thailand
  • Trades Union Congress TUC
  • HMP Forestbank
TEFL Staff Training

Every graduate of the London Teacher Training College receives a certificate, which is recognised by employers and governments around the world.

LTTC give two different types of award certificates, depending on whether the course is regulated by OFQUAL. Please view our sample certificates below.

LTTC Sample Certificate

Sample LTTC Certificate (old version)

Sample LTTC award (new version from April 2025)

LTTC Sample Certificate

Sample OFQUAL Regulated Award

Dr. Phyllis Vannuffel is the Founder and Principal of the London Teacher Training College.She has been involved in teaching English as a foreign language since 1975 and has taught in more than eight countries. Her career has included preparing and examining large numbers of trainee teachers at both certificate and diploma level for Trinity College London TESOL courses. She has been an examiner for the Cambridge suite of UCLES exams and also been a Cambridge item writer.

She is also a published author at both primary and secondary levels including Crackerjack books one and two and Tombola -Communication games for teenagers.

She has acted as a consultant to publishers such as Longman and Oxford University Press and has been a contributor to professional journals such as 'English Teaching Professional' and the IATEFL newsletter as well as AGENDA, the ARELS quarterly bulletin. She has given talks and workshops on a variety of TEFL related topics at locations such as the IATEFL conference in Edinburgh and Brighton, ARELS, and The Oxford House Teachers' Club.

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TQUK Gold Member

Centre No. 170926

TEFL Courses London
Membership No. 010136b