When making a decision about your education and your future, obviously you need to be absolutely sure you have chosen the best option for you personally. It can be extremely confusing when you first start researching courses and institutions as there are so many on offer especially in the world of TEFL/TESOL.
So where should you begin? A lot will depend on what you intend to do and where you would like to go. You have to take your own personal situation into account including any restrictions, financial and time wise. Are you looking for a short term job abroad, maybe on a gap year or are you searching for a complete life change and intend to teach as a new career long term either in the UK or abroad. Perhaps you are a non native speaker who would like to start a new job or who needs to get some recognised qualifications to progress up the career ladder. Whoever you are and whatever your circumstances, the London Teacher Training College will have the right course for you.
A few facts about LTTC
- We have been training teachers of EFL since 1984 and have helped many thousands of teachers gain a qualification from all corners of the globe
- We are one of the largest and longest established course providers
- We were the first organisation to offer TEFL/TESOL by distance learning in the UK
- We offer the widest range of courses by distance/online mode and also in the classroom via our partner schools both in the UK and worldwide
- Our courses are officially endorsed and recognised worldwide by an OFQUAL approved accreditation body, TQUK
- Due to the fact that our students come from all corners of the globe we take into account different time zones
- Accordingly, our student support is second to none and you can contact us 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. What other institution can make this claim?
Why choose the LTTC?
- Full course materials
- Personal tutor
- Support 7 days a week, 365 days a year
- Unlimited time for completion of course
- Careers advice
- OFQUAL approved accreditation body