Over the years we have helped many organisations and bodies in training their staff. These include the following :
- Brentfield Primary School Neasdon London
- Budmouth College Weymouth
- Casterton School
- Clapham manor Primary School
- Devon and Cornwall Probation Service
- Dunun Academy Doncaster
- The Education Department of the Bangkok Archdiocese Thailand
- First Steps Children Centre
- Flying Cows Recruitment Services
- Hamilton Community College Leicester
- Hue Help Volunteers Vietnam
- Lincolnshire County Council
- Manchester College Her Majesty's Prison Service Lindholme
- Prisoners Education Trust
- Our Lady's Convent High School Hackney London
- St George’s School Montreux Switzerland
- St Mary's School, Cambridge
- TM Volunteers Thailand
- Trades Union Congress TUC
- HMP Forestbank